Dried fruits constitute a contentious snack. Some people consider them a healthy and nutritious option, while others avoid them as they think of them as overprocessed and “overloaded” with sugar. But what is really the case? First of all, the term “dried fruits” applies to fruits from which most of the water they naturally contain […]
Summer is here and what’s better than frequent excursions to the sea. For our little friends the beach is the best opportunity for carefree play and swimming, while for the older ones it’s the ideal way to “escape” from the daily stress and obligations for a while. Even if we choose a quick visit to […]
Strawberry is an angiosperm, dicotyledonous fruit that belongs to a genus of flowering plants called Rosaceae. USA has the largest strawberry production in the world, followed by Canada, Italy, Poland and France. This delicious fruit consists mainly of water and carbohydrates, while it contains only small amounts of fat and protein.
Water. Over 60% of the human body is made up of water and, as is well known, humans need water to live. Most of the times, we assume that we drink plenty of water daily. But, is that right? Do we provide ourselves an adequate amount of hydration, especially those summer days when we are […]