Friendship is one of the most important values in life. It represents a deep spiritual and emotional connection between two or more individuals, characterized by mutual respect and affection. While friendships are important at any age, those formed mainly during childhood play a significant role in a child’s development.
Juvenile delinquency, or else bullying, is a worldwide phenomenon. It refers to the use of violence or offense committed by youth with the aim of causing fear, pain, or distress. For sure, it has not emerged recently, yet it has taken on dangerous dimensions in the past few years. The statistics speak for themselves. According […]
The time when children ran unrestricted and played carefree in neighborhoods and sandlots is gone. Nowadays, things have changed and there is rarely the time, opportunity, or safety for free play in neighborhoods. In addition, computers, the internet, and electronic devices have shaped new dynamics in the gaming world, as now, children prefer to play […]
Parents tend to praise their children kindly every time they mind their manners or demonstrate a success (e.g., when they walk for the first time, try something new, eat all their food, behave, etc.). On the other hand, when it comes to setting restraints and teaching basic social precepts of behavior and politeness, they often […]
A new season often marks new beginnings for many people. If you must deal with changing schools this year -whether it involves transitioning from elementary to high school or moving to a different area or choosing another school-, then it is likely that your children may not welcome this outcome. Changing schools can be a […]
Let’s delve into the prospect of a family holiday. Whenever parents flirt with the idea of family holidays, plenty and contradictory thoughts arise. Does a family vacation mean an “unbearable” financial expense? Will it, after all, be truly a holiday, if taking into consideration the fatigue that it portends? Or would it be better for […]
Children stay constantly focused on their parents, watching every single move they make. Especially at a younger age, children are like “sponges” that absorb every stimulus and tend to imitate everything they see or hear. Therefore, since the main concern of all parents is to raise healthy, kind, optimistic and dynamic children, they should become […]
Most children get excited when they interact with an animal and -especially school-age kids- start asking their parents for a pet. Dogs and kittens come first, while parrots, canaries, rabbits, hamsters and goldfish follow.
One of the main parental concerns is ensuring their children’s health as they are usually quite prone to flu or cold symptoms. No matter how normal this is, it’s possible for parents to assure their children’s health condition and reduce the frequency of illness, if a healthy and active lifestyle is followed.
Proper oral hygiene is crucial for children’s health and, given that everything is a matter of habit, it is important to introduce your children to the routine of brushing their teeth, already from infancy. Caries, which is mainly caused by unhealthy eating habits as well as poor oral care, is the most common problem between […]