
Optimism lies within us if we want to find it!

Optimism lies within us if we want to find it!

Fast pace of life, modern and demanding daily routine, impersonal relationships, anxieties as well as the ever-increasing negative news -consciously or subconsciously- affect us, leading, sometimes, to a passive, negative or even “miserable” attitude towards life. Undoubtedly, challenges, difficulties and unexpected circumstances are parts of our life. It isn’t possible and we should not want […]

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Food for … brain boosting!

Food for … brain boosting!

Each one of us, young or old, has already returned to our daily habits and activities. Everyday life, either at work or school, is really demanding and our mind is constantly trying to respond immediately to a wealth of information. To perform in the best possible way, it is enough to trust nature and discover […]

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