
Sunstroke vs heatstroke: everything you need to know to stay protected

Sunstroke vs heatstroke: everything you need to know to stay protected

The human body has the ability to maintain a constant internal temperature, through thermoregulatory mechanisms based on the human brain. This feature allows people to live in environments with great variations in environmental temperature (e.g., at the poles or at the equator). However, under certain conditions, it’s possible that the body’s ability to regulate its […]

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Vitamin D; the vitamin of the sun!

Vitamin D; the vitamin of the sun!

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing the intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It has received the nickname “vitamin of the sun”, as – in addition to its intake from certain foods – it is naturally produced by our own body when our skin is exposed to sun radiation.

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How to repair dry and damaged hair

How to repair dry and damaged hair

Our hair -just like our skin- needs care and protection. Sun exposure, daily hairstyle, dyes and styling products “ravage” it, making it dry, brittle and dull. Although it’s impossible to avoid completely all these factors that “burden” the health of our hair, there are certain ways to protect it. Which are these ways? Read some […]

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Strawberry; our sweetest ally!

Strawberry is an angiosperm, dicotyledonous fruit that belongs to a genus of flowering plants called Rosaceae. USA has the largest strawberry production in the world, followed by Canada, Italy, Poland and France. This delicious fruit consists mainly of water and carbohydrates, while it contains only small amounts of fat and protein.

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Get rid of acne … by eating!

Get rid of acne … by eating!

Acne is a skin disease, which is mainly caused due to our body’s reaction to large amounts of hormones (testosterone), bacteria and common allergies to various foods. It usually occurs during adolescence, though it may affect adults too. The most common form of acne is the so-called “common acne”, which mostly affects the face and […]

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