

Burnout; are you ignoring the signs?

Employment isn’t just a way of making money. It’s also a significant part of man’s social identity as well as a field of expressing one’s creativity, qualities or talents. The term “burnout” is used to signify a state of emotional and physical exhaustion related to work. It’s rather a modern phenomenon, observed mainly in western […]

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Dandruff: Causes & treatment!

Dandruff: Causes & treatment!

Dandruff is a common symptom manifested by excessive and visible exfoliation of the scalp (“scaling”), which is provoked due to a quantitative and qualitative change in the bacterial flora of the scalp. Anyone could develop dandruff at some point in their life, however it is more common in adults (rarely appearing in children before puberty) […]

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“A man is known by the … color he keeps”! What do our favorite colors reveal about our personality?

“A man is known by the … color he keeps”! What do our favorite colors reveal about our personality?

Nature is a palette of colors. Light or dark, primary or secondary, warm or cool, no matter what classification we may choose, all colors have one thing in common; they affect people’s mood, reveal aspects of their current emotional state and -to some extent- shape the quality of their lives. Many ancient peoples used colors […]

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7+1 winter skin care tips!

7+1 winter skin care tips!

Winter and freezing conditions such as chill, cold winds, high humidity and significant discrepancies between indoor and outdoor temperatures affect our skin, which becomes visibly drier and more sensitive, possibly resulting in dry skin, itching, cracking as well as dermatitis, if not properly cared for. The intense dryness that our skin exhibits during winter indicates […]

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