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“A man is known by the … color he keeps”! What do our favorite colors reveal about our personality?

Nature is a palette of colors. Light or dark, primary or secondary, warm or cool, no matter what classification we may choose, all colors have one thing in common; they affect people’s mood, reveal aspects of their current emotional state and -to some extent- shape the quality of their lives. Many ancient peoples used colors as a means of healing. “Chromotherapy” utilized the properties of colors to stimulate or calm specific biological functions. Nowadays, the science of psychology acknowledges that colors have an effect on human mood, even if it’s barely significant and temporary.

What do our favorite colors reveal about our personality

So, let’s find out what some of the most common and well-known colors represent:

Red: Intense color that mainly symbolizes love, unity, maturity and drive. It’s the color of passion, seduction and desire. It’s associated with excitement, power and effusiveness, but also with anger, leadership, aggression as well as courage. It’s believed to increase the metabolic rate, to raise body temperature and energize.

Blue: The color that enhances emotional calmness, serenity, stability and pleasure. It’s perceived as the color of truth, harmony, devotion and hope. Light blue, due to its calming properties along with its ability to pacify, is often used in places such as penal institutions and neurological clinics. Furthermore, it’s the color of meditation, contemplation, wisdom as well as inner harmony.

Green: The preeminent color of nature, vegetation, balance and peace. It symbolizes growth, reproduction, hope for life, rebirth, prosperity, fellowship, reconciliation and cooperation. It expresses social disposition, honesty, family love, warmth as well as sensitivity. In general, it’s considered to be soothing and healing, as it gives rest by easing the problems.

Yellow: Sunny, bright, warm color that signifies youth, vitality, energy, happiness, curiosity and fun-loving. Thought as the color of science, it symbolizes communication, strong intuitive perception and intellect along with purity of emotions and complete freedom from passions. It’s anti-depressant and ideal for workplaces, as it stimulates the brain, the function of memory but also… the appetite! Soft, pale-yellow rests, dispels phobias and boosts self-esteem however, it’s often associated with deceit, cowardice and jealousy too.

Orange: Color that inspires, balances and releases. It stimulates creativity, manifesting ambition as well as energy. Creates a pleasant mood, dispels sadness, relaxes and relieves. Increases the mood for new experiences, strengthens communication, also inspiring trust. It symbolizes joy, wealth, happiness, optimism, perseverance, warmth and friendship.

Purple: Expresses spirituality, esotericism, mystery, morality and tranquility. It helps to fulfill deep thoughts as well as aspirations. It defines pure, compassionate love and wisdom. Representing good motives and high spiritual pursuits, it encourages dreams and intellectual creativity. It signifies liberation from the shackles of passion or emotion, symbolizing self-control. Its dark shades, are used to denote melancholy, sadness and mourning.

Black: Indicates the absence of color. Dense and strict, it inspires both stability and seriousness. It symbolizes discipline, introversion, self-restraint as well as self-sufficiency, yet it suggests unexpressed abilities and fear of the future. Defining mystery, it’s associated with darkness, impasse and death.

White: It’s the result of the concentrated radiation of all the colors of the iris. It represents innocence, truth, goodness, honesty, healing and positivity. Due to its soothing properties, it’s used by doctors or nurses, since it eases and calms the mind. Generally, it protects against negative emotions or thoughts as well as irrational fears. It symbolizes the purity of the soul, supreme faith, hope and transparency, while favoring symbiosis, unity and love.

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