
atopic dermatitis

Sensitive, dry and atopic prone skin: How to treat properly

Skin acts as the human’s body natural shield against adverse environmental influences and, therefore, it is absolutely essential to maintain it always healthy, so that it can unhinderedly perform its natural functions. It hosts the microbiome, a collection of beneficial microorganisms that constitute an integral part of its natural defense against external attacks. Also, it […]

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Parents and adolescence: tips for a healthy and harmonious relationship

Adolescence is a quite difficult and demanding period in a child’s life, that usually unbalances the relationships between the family members. It is no coincidence that teenage years are often described as reluctant, rebellious and confrontational. As teenagers gradually grow up, they consequently cease to be the children they once were in the past few […]

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The importance of disease prevention in human health

Hippocrates argued that “prevention is better than cure”, highlighting its importance for both physical and mental health and longevity. The rapid advance of technology has greatly favored medical science, supporting the fields of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. In particular, medical community emphasizes the importance of prevention and early diagnosis in the protection of human […]

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